Edward S. Curtis American, 1868-1952
This Volume I is from Set #127, originally from the full 20 Volume set of the subscriber Dr. Charles G. Weld, printed on Japan Tissue, appearing in excellent original condition, containing 81 photogravure prints, 161 pages of text, with a signed Forward Page by Theodore Roosevelt, a signed and dated Introduction Page by Edward S. Curtis and a rare, bound portrait of Edward S. Curtis, in full leather binding, size 12 X 10 X 3.5 inches.
This is one of 14 known Volumes1 originally printed on Japan Tissue. Only three Volumes 1 on Japan Tissue are documented containing all three of the elements cited above. Moreover, this Volume 1 belonged to Dr. Charles G. Weld, the donor of the 108 Curtis Master Exhibition Prints in the collection of The Peabody Essex Museum, unquestionably making this the one of the rarestand also one of the most desirable of all the original Volumes from The North American Indian.