Edward S. Curtis American, 1868-1952
The North American Indian, Volume II, 1908
An original Edward S. Curtis "Volume II, The North American Indian," The Pima, Papago, Qahatika, Mohave, Yuma, Maricopa, Havasupi, Apache-Mohave.”
12 X 10 X 3.5 in.
Negative Dates: 1903, 1908, Print Date: 1908-1930, out of series unnumbered volume copy with seventy-five plates, on Holland Van Gelder paper in the original slipcase.
The spine and four corners of the front and back covers bound in brown morocco leather, covers are of laminated binder’s board with the central panel on each board covered with heavy cloth, bound by H. G. Blackwell. Volume appearing excellent condition overall, originally owned by Blackwell.